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Concrete Dust Ducting

Silica dust is produced during the handling and processing of concrete, masonry, and rock. When the dust from these materials is not properly controlled, exposure can lead to severe and fatal health effects. Because concrete and masonry are primary building materials, there are various exposure risks.

Which Applications are at risk?

• Abrasive blasting of concrete
• Sanding, grinding, and cutting concrete
• Chipping, hammering, drilling, and sawing, concrete or masonry
• Demolition of concrete and masonry structures
• Pressurized air blowing or dry sweeping of concrete or sand dust

The key to establishing employee safety is by keeping dust out of the air. A concrete dust ductwork system includes a hose and wand that work by pulling dust away from the source and to the collector where it's filtered, cleaned, and returned into the building or outside.

Dust collection ductwork is split into two separate categories: flexible hose duct and hard, fixed ductwork. Hard, fixed dust collection ductwork is generally made of plastic, galvanized or stainless steel, depending upon the needs of the application.

All-metal construction is used in almost all commercial and industrial applications because it reduces the risks of dangerous static electricity buildup and the smooth rigid interior lessens the chance of static pressure loss, even over long runs.

Nordfab® QF® ductwork is the new standard for concrete dust applications. By eliminating rivets, screws, welds, and flanges, our clamp together ducting allows installations, clean outs, and adjustments to take only a fraction of the time that traditional ducting takes. Nordfab® Ducting’s longitudinal seams provide smooth, no hang-up interiors.

Nordfab quick fit duct for cement dust and concrete dust.
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