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Ductwork for food processing dust installed in a manufacturing plant.

Nordfab Ducting installed at Sweetener Solutions

Many food processing plants handling sugar, wheat starch, powdered milk, and/or tapioca are at risk of combustible dust explosions. Dust collector systems capture explosive food dust to prevent it from accumulating and igniting.

Nordfab® ductwork is built to withstand high air pressure, minimize air resistance, and reduce static pressure loss - which is why it's an excellent choice for food processing dust. When dealing with explosive food dust, dust collectors must be equipped with deflagration protection to mitigate combustible dust risks and comply with NFPA requirements.

The NFPA requires protection for the ductwork and processes upstream of the dust collector. Ducting systems should include dampers or explosion isolation valves designed to minimize the risk of deflagration within these components.

To learn more about Nordfab Ducting for food process dust, get in touch with our team of experts!

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